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5 Monday Morning Inspirations
Dr. Shonta Smith
1. Monday Morning Inspiration:
Have you ever taken time to reflect and think about how people’s lives are different based upon their circumstances, communities they live in, and/or the choices they make? I mean think about it for a minute. When you look at your life and compare it to the next person what can you do that the other person cannot? What opportunities are afforded to you that are not afforded to the other person? How is the lens you look through different from the other person’s lens? What have you learned from the other person? How will you use what you have learned from the other person to improve your life? Why is your life the way it is and the other person’s life the way it is? The answers to these questions will vary as it depends upon a number of variables. However, the one commonality is we all are humans and have free will.
I reflected this weekend as I engaged in a number of activities. I decided to go to another bank to pay my mortgage instead of the one I normally go to as this bank was in the direction that I was headed. This bank was located in the inner city. Unlike other banks, when you go to the counter to speak with a bank teller, the bank tellers at this bank are behind bullet proof glass. Now for members of this community this scene is normal. If you go to the post office, the check cashing place, gas station, or the subway restaurant just to name a few everyone is behind bullet proof glass. This disturbs me. It may not disturb you, but when I was standing in the line, I was thinking and saying to myself what has this world come to. The bank was put in the community to serve the people. Unfortunately, years ago the bank was robbed several times and as a result of multiple robberies bullet proof glass was insulted.
This has become customary in far too many urban inner cities across the United States. Unless you are a member of these communities and/or frequent the businesses in these communities, it may be somewhat difficult for you to understand how people in these communities accept this. People that live in these communities accept it because in their world this is their reality. I have a choice. I only went to this particular bank branch because it was in route to my destination. A number of members of this community don’t have the same choice. This saddens me because although the bank is protecting its assets, it is also dehumanizing the people that live in this community. Again, I have a choice and some of you may be saying they have a choice too. But their choices are not equivalent to my choices as their circumstances are different. This week I ask that you be mindful of the choices you have. Respect and appreciate what you can do. Realize and be grateful for the opportunities provided to you. Finally, if you are in a position to help someone help them. We all reap what we sow. So be careful to sow diligently.
2. Monday Morning Inspiration:
How do you define success? I want you to really think about this as success comes in many forms. What you see as a success may not be a success to someone else. What that person sees as a success may not be success to you. Success is in the eye of the beholder. The common trait that comes with success is action. If one does not take action the likely hood of them experiencing success is slim. Success just does not come to you. It requires productivity, active engagement, focus, and leadership. To experience success you must focus on the task at hand and actively be engaged in what you are doing. If you are not engaged you are not focused, and when you are not focused, you lag in productivity and leadership.
In essence how you lead your life will determine what successes you experience. Leading in its purest form is how you direct and guide yourself as well as others. When you reflect on your own leadership, have you lead in such a way whereby you embody the spirit of excellence. When executing excellence, you successfully empower yourself. This empowerment enables you to fully understand the success and embrace your free will. Your free will offers opportunities and as these opportunities present themselves, you exemplify success. You understand that each day you have a chance to be great as you are destined for greatness. Your greatness is not based upon what other people do it is based upon the action you take and how you lead your life. So the question I ask you is how are you leading your life? Is what you are doing making a difference? Can other people positively benefit from your actions? Do your actions advance growth and development? Success is what you make it and if what you are doing is not conducive to progress you are cheating yourself.
It is time to make the rest of your life the best of your life. Stop reflecting on the past and move pass all the negativity. Do what you know is right and make the necessary changes and adjustments. Your success depends on your ability to be you. It depends on your ability to live, love, appreciate and enjoy you. You and you alone are capable of making your life the best life. There is no need to compare yourself to anyone else. You only need to compare what you did today to what you did yesterday. As you compare the days, if today is not better than yesterday you still have time to make it better. Be the change you want to see by being the best you can be. Honor who you are and embrace your talents and abilities. Success is when you honor you and love you. Do you honor yourself and love yourself enough to experience success?
3. Monday Morning Inspiration: