The Black Greek Letter Organization Life
Anjanette Williams
Alpha Kappa Alpha, Sorority, Inc.
What would you describe as the benefits of joining a fraternity or sorority?Becoming a member of a Greek organization impacted my academic career primarily by introducing me to professional, successful educated ladies. These ladies became role models and influences towards my success. It also provided a network of peers with similar goals and ambitions in which to interact and grow with. There are many benefits of joining a sorority and fraternity. I have a plethora of sisters and brothers who I can call on for advice, references, and in tines of needs. We are all joined by a common core of standards and commitment. Personally, I have moved to different cities or looked for employment all with the guidance and assistance of these "sisters and brothers". Just as I have told my children, when looking at organizations...research. Know what they stand for and make sure they are doing just that. Make sure that your values and morals are comparable. Don't "follow the crowd".
What do you say to those that suggest being a member of a Fraternity or Sorority is about being an elitist, hazing and partying?Hazing is usually the act of a particular individual or group of individuals and rarely reflects the organization as a whole. Hazing is mostly seen in jobs, but referenced as harassment. Partying is definitely overstated for organizations. We enjoy fellowship with people we have things in common. I would suggest that they also look into our community service, commitment to service and excellence, our hardworking members...then determine if we are partying or simply enjoying the fruits of our labor with those who have made these things possible. We are elitist. We are individuals who have set higher standards and excelled. We have set out to overachieve, as oppose to settling more mediocrity. Elitist are people who think highly of themselves, set (and achieve) the impossible, do more than usual. Everyone has the opportunity to be "elite", but not everyone has the ambition and determination.