Dr. Mike Robinson: In what ways Do you think the use of Twitter led to Trump's election and popularity?
Dr. Rashid Faisal: Trump revolutionized how politicians communicate with the electorate. For example, Twitter provided Trump with daily opportunities to popularize and legitimize his position on controversial social issues such as immigration reform, Black Lives Matter, Covid-19, and voter fraud. Trump transformed political communication by making "presidential tweets" the primary vehicle for direct daily communication with the American people. Although marred by racism, exaggeration, false information, misinformation, and fake statistics, Trumps' political communication via Twitter resonated with his political base because of his feelings of proximity to the president. Trumps' "Twitter reality" became the "political and socio-economic reality" for those who trusted his messaging. He effectively used Twitter to increase his "virtual likability and popularity" with politically like-minded individuals. Some argue that Trump used Twitter as a mechanism for political indoctrination and to promote false conspiracy theories, such as wide-spread voter misconduct.
Dr. Mike Robinson: What does it mean to the world of political communications in the future with Twitter's decision to permanently suspend Trump's account?
Dr. Rashid Faisal: Twitter will continue to serve as a widely used element in political communication due to others' success with Trump's use of this platform to interact directly with the American people. Social media is a greater influencer and mobilizer--the American people witnessed the power of Twitter with the event now being defined as the "Insurrection at the Capitol." Although politicians will continue to use Twitter to discuss political issues, government policies and channel information to the broader community, the content and form of political tweets will be closely vetted and monitored for discourse that could be deemed false, lacking credibility, or divisive. In other words, politicians must ask themselves, "What is being said?" and "How it is being said?" before posting a political tweet. Politicians will be held to a higher standard of accountability for their public statements in the post-Trump era.
Dr. Faisal enjoys a fulfilling spiritual and family life with his wife, Christie, and their daughter Gabrielle. He is passionate about servant leadership and preparing students from underserved communities for college success. The motto “Excellence is Our Norm” summarizes his belief that all students can achieve academic and social success with appropriate investment –not intervention. He has written two books, one on fatherhood and the other on the servant leadership philosophy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He is currently finishing a book on the life and legacy of Cornelius L. Henderson, an African American chief design engineer for the Ambassador Bridge and the Detroit-Windsor Tunnels. Dr. Faisal’s hobbies include bike riding and sports, researching African American history; writing for the Michigan Historical Society; collecting vintage college memorabilia and literature; collecting memorabilia from the Negro Leagues and Black Fives era; and visiting museums, book stores, cultural centers, and historical sites.
Dr. Rashid Faisal: Trump revolutionized how politicians communicate with the electorate. For example, Twitter provided Trump with daily opportunities to popularize and legitimize his position on controversial social issues such as immigration reform, Black Lives Matter, Covid-19, and voter fraud. Trump transformed political communication by making "presidential tweets" the primary vehicle for direct daily communication with the American people. Although marred by racism, exaggeration, false information, misinformation, and fake statistics, Trumps' political communication via Twitter resonated with his political base because of his feelings of proximity to the president. Trumps' "Twitter reality" became the "political and socio-economic reality" for those who trusted his messaging. He effectively used Twitter to increase his "virtual likability and popularity" with politically like-minded individuals. Some argue that Trump used Twitter as a mechanism for political indoctrination and to promote false conspiracy theories, such as wide-spread voter misconduct.
Dr. Mike Robinson: What does it mean to the world of political communications in the future with Twitter's decision to permanently suspend Trump's account?
Dr. Rashid Faisal: Twitter will continue to serve as a widely used element in political communication due to others' success with Trump's use of this platform to interact directly with the American people. Social media is a greater influencer and mobilizer--the American people witnessed the power of Twitter with the event now being defined as the "Insurrection at the Capitol." Although politicians will continue to use Twitter to discuss political issues, government policies and channel information to the broader community, the content and form of political tweets will be closely vetted and monitored for discourse that could be deemed false, lacking credibility, or divisive. In other words, politicians must ask themselves, "What is being said?" and "How it is being said?" before posting a political tweet. Politicians will be held to a higher standard of accountability for their public statements in the post-Trump era.
Dr. Faisal enjoys a fulfilling spiritual and family life with his wife, Christie, and their daughter Gabrielle. He is passionate about servant leadership and preparing students from underserved communities for college success. The motto “Excellence is Our Norm” summarizes his belief that all students can achieve academic and social success with appropriate investment –not intervention. He has written two books, one on fatherhood and the other on the servant leadership philosophy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He is currently finishing a book on the life and legacy of Cornelius L. Henderson, an African American chief design engineer for the Ambassador Bridge and the Detroit-Windsor Tunnels. Dr. Faisal’s hobbies include bike riding and sports, researching African American history; writing for the Michigan Historical Society; collecting vintage college memorabilia and literature; collecting memorabilia from the Negro Leagues and Black Fives era; and visiting museums, book stores, cultural centers, and historical sites.