Start here. Everyone in America is an immigrant, except Native Americans and First Peoples (and depending on how we view evolution, they too might be immigrants). While the number of generations differs amongst us, we all got here from somewhere other than here. For real.
Now, with all the Trump and Vance raging on about the dangers and horrors of immigrants, here’s what I don’t get. Both men are married to what we can define as “immigrants” and relatively recent ones — this generation or a prior generation. Trump’s wife speaks English with an accent (fine by me by the way; I grew up with a parent with a strong accent despite decades upon decades in the US). Vance’s in-laws came from India and howsoever we define race, neither his wife nor his children are “white.”
So how do both men come to terms with their anti- immigration positions? And the Haitians in Springfield Ohio are LEGALLY here by all accounts. And Trump embraces (I assume literally and figuratively) Laura Loomer who observed that if Kamala Harris wins, the WH will smell of curry. I eat curried food. I assume the Vance family does too. (Note: V made a tepid response to the LL comments on Meet the Press this morning, including the he made a “mean curry.” Odd use of the word “mean” given the context. Why not say LL was and is mean?)
Share with me how this all works. Is it just politics? T and V take a position to be popular with their base and to win over more supporters, even in the face of living with an immigrant-tied spouse? Do T and V ignore or sublimate or deny or disregard the origins of their current spouses and their spouses’ families?
Answer this: Is it possible for T and V to assert that immigrants eat cats and dogs and still go home for dinner with immigrant-tied marital partners? (Ok, maybe they are never home.) And what about T’s son with Melania and V’s children with Usha? T’s first wife was an immigrant too. So these men’s children were born to recent immigrant-tied mothers, right?
And get this added feature. T can’t or won’t (likely the latter) pronounce Kamala. Can he pronounce Melania and Usha? Both of the latter names have different possible pronunciations. Start with ambiguity as to which syllable gets the emphasis. Explain it. If it is politics alone, why aren’t their respective wives (and children and families) leaving them — alone — in all senses?
If you live with make believe and ignore the real roots of one’s spouse and one’s self, what does that say about one’s values and one’s core belief system? Hypocrisy is despicable. Truth may be bad or hard but hypocrisy is worse. For the utterer and those about whom one is uttering, which seems to include spouses and children? Yipes.
Post-Script: I just read a piece chronicling V’s antipathy to divorce. Guess my suggestion above that his wife get angry and leave over his anti-immigration stances (which a fortiori include her) wouldn’t fly. Fir more on his push against divorce, see:
Now, with all the Trump and Vance raging on about the dangers and horrors of immigrants, here’s what I don’t get. Both men are married to what we can define as “immigrants” and relatively recent ones — this generation or a prior generation. Trump’s wife speaks English with an accent (fine by me by the way; I grew up with a parent with a strong accent despite decades upon decades in the US). Vance’s in-laws came from India and howsoever we define race, neither his wife nor his children are “white.”
So how do both men come to terms with their anti- immigration positions? And the Haitians in Springfield Ohio are LEGALLY here by all accounts. And Trump embraces (I assume literally and figuratively) Laura Loomer who observed that if Kamala Harris wins, the WH will smell of curry. I eat curried food. I assume the Vance family does too. (Note: V made a tepid response to the LL comments on Meet the Press this morning, including the he made a “mean curry.” Odd use of the word “mean” given the context. Why not say LL was and is mean?)
Share with me how this all works. Is it just politics? T and V take a position to be popular with their base and to win over more supporters, even in the face of living with an immigrant-tied spouse? Do T and V ignore or sublimate or deny or disregard the origins of their current spouses and their spouses’ families?
Answer this: Is it possible for T and V to assert that immigrants eat cats and dogs and still go home for dinner with immigrant-tied marital partners? (Ok, maybe they are never home.) And what about T’s son with Melania and V’s children with Usha? T’s first wife was an immigrant too. So these men’s children were born to recent immigrant-tied mothers, right?
And get this added feature. T can’t or won’t (likely the latter) pronounce Kamala. Can he pronounce Melania and Usha? Both of the latter names have different possible pronunciations. Start with ambiguity as to which syllable gets the emphasis. Explain it. If it is politics alone, why aren’t their respective wives (and children and families) leaving them — alone — in all senses?
If you live with make believe and ignore the real roots of one’s spouse and one’s self, what does that say about one’s values and one’s core belief system? Hypocrisy is despicable. Truth may be bad or hard but hypocrisy is worse. For the utterer and those about whom one is uttering, which seems to include spouses and children? Yipes.
Post-Script: I just read a piece chronicling V’s antipathy to divorce. Guess my suggestion above that his wife get angry and leave over his anti-immigration stances (which a fortiori include her) wouldn’t fly. Fir more on his push against divorce, see: