The Black Greek Letter Organization Life
Dr. Tyffani Monford Dent @DrTyffaniMDent
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Academic Achievement

How did becoming a member of a Greek Organization impact your academic success?
I was already a high-achiever. At the time of my initiation into Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Beta Chapter, I was a 4.0 student. My sorority sisters did value academic achievement with the overall climate being that high academic standing was a source of pride to the chapter. In my experience, it did take additional self-motivation to maintain academic standing as a whole new social group becomes open to you after initiation. One must also learn to balance sorority community service activities, social activities along with academics. It is doable and I graduated with a 4.0 GPA.
I was already a high-achiever. At the time of my initiation into Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Beta Chapter, I was a 4.0 student. My sorority sisters did value academic achievement with the overall climate being that high academic standing was a source of pride to the chapter. In my experience, it did take additional self-motivation to maintain academic standing as a whole new social group becomes open to you after initiation. One must also learn to balance sorority community service activities, social activities along with academics. It is doable and I graduated with a 4.0 GPA.
Sisterhood is Primary

What would you describe as the benefits of joining a Fraternity or Sorority?
Sisterhood is primary. Above all else, sorority life provides one with new sisters who are supportive of your success and offer to nurture when needed. Other benefits include networking as one can go to any city and find sorors who are willing to assist in finding employment, housing, or just offering that emotional support. Last but not least is the opportunity to make a larger impact on your community because you have a group of like-minded women who are interested in giving back.
Sisterhood is primary. Above all else, sorority life provides one with new sisters who are supportive of your success and offer to nurture when needed. Other benefits include networking as one can go to any city and find sorors who are willing to assist in finding employment, housing, or just offering that emotional support. Last but not least is the opportunity to make a larger impact on your community because you have a group of like-minded women who are interested in giving back.
Do Your Research
What advice would you give to a student with an interest in joining a Greek Organization?
Do your research. We are all fraternal organizations with an emphasis on community service. Find out which one suits you. Do not base it solely upon your college climate as our fraternal organizations are a lifetime commitment.
Our Primary Focus Community Service
What do you say to those that suggest that being a member of a Fraternity or Sorority is about being an elitist, hazing and partying?
I believe that any organization that has a selection process can be viewed as elitist. Membership is a privilege, not a right.
Hazing has seemed to permeate our consciousness as it relates to our organizations because the media chooses to primarily focus on tragedies. All of our organizations have policies against hazing. Regarding social aspects of fraternal life---yes, we have parties, but our primary focus (within the Black Greek organizations) is community service, and we spend most of our energy engaged in activities that benefit our communities. If one is seeking an organization to party, I advise you to not choose a Black Greek organization as you will be disappointed. We do work.