3 Questions
Silvester "Sly" Mata
How colleges and universities view the admission of students from a school district with possible irregularities related to grading, attendance, and graduation rates

Dr. Mike Robinson, host of 3 Questions discussed how colleges and universities view the admission of students from a school district with possible irregularities related to grading, attendance and graduation rates.
Silvester Mata is a Graduate Research Fellow within the Higher Education Leadership and Policies Studies Program where his current research is focused on higher education finance and financial aid composition. Before enrolling at the University of Houston, Silvester worked at Cornell University where he assisted in Title IX investigations and was a member of the Crisis Management team providing support to students in need of support. Additionally, he also worked within the Cornell College of Architecture, Art and Planning creating diversity initiatives to increase the academic success and aspects of mental health for underrepresented students, LGBTQ, first generation and low-income students. He is an alum of both the George Bush School of Government and Public Service where he received his master’s degree in Public Administration and an alum of Arizona State University where he received his bachelors in communications.
Silvester Mata is a Graduate Research Fellow within the Higher Education Leadership and Policies Studies Program where his current research is focused on higher education finance and financial aid composition. Before enrolling at the University of Houston, Silvester worked at Cornell University where he assisted in Title IX investigations and was a member of the Crisis Management team providing support to students in need of support. Additionally, he also worked within the Cornell College of Architecture, Art and Planning creating diversity initiatives to increase the academic success and aspects of mental health for underrepresented students, LGBTQ, first generation and low-income students. He is an alum of both the George Bush School of Government and Public Service where he received his master’s degree in Public Administration and an alum of Arizona State University where he received his bachelors in communications.