Denise Fawcett Facey Congratulations, Graduate . . . Now What?
Congratulations, graduate, you’ve reached a wonderful milestone. Now what are you going to do? How will you figure it out? Whether you just graduated or it’s been a few years, figuring out your life can be difficult. The good news is that this book has answers. Providing specific, step-by-step guidance and solutions, each chapter opens with real-life examples and concludes with reflection questions to help you determine what’s best for you. In the end, you’ll have a clear view of your future, ways to correct your mistakes and all you need to gain a fulfilling, enjoyable life along with peace with God.
Denise Fawcett Facey is an award-winning educator with many years' experience motivating students to discover their best qualities and to use them in achieving a fulfilling life. The author of two other books (Can I Be in Your Class and The Social Studies Helper, both Rowman and Littlefield Education), she is also a public speaker and workshop presenter. She holds a master's degree in education and a bachelor's degree in sociology and psychology.