Living Education: Re-Defining The Narrative: Parental Engagement and the African American Family
Join host Dr. Mike Robinson, Saturday, April 19, 2014 at 10:30 am (EST) for a live Google Hangout discussion with parent advocates as they discuss the myth of parental engagement and African American families. Guests will include:
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Join host Dr. Mike Robinson, Saturday, April 19, 2014 at 10:30 am (EST) for a live Google Hangout discussion with parent advocates as they discuss the myth of parental engagement and African American families. Guests will include:
- Gwen Samuel, Parent, Founder and President of the State of Black CT Alliance an organization which advocates for equity and access to high quality socioeconomic and educational opportunities for communities of color and vulnerable populations (@StateofBlackCT)
- Bren Martin, Mom Congress - Kentucky at Parenting Magazine and Social Media Ambassador at National Parents Teachers Association (@Bdrumartin)
- Kelley Williams-Bolar, Parent & Advocacy Speaker, Jailed for sending her girls to father's school district (@kelleywbolar)
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