Make Education Great Again: Domestic Terrorism in Public School Education; It's Time for a Revolution! Gail Bingham @gailpbingham
In Dr. Bingham's first book "Teaching is the New Slavery: Angry, Wounded But Not Defeated," she DESCRIBES a culture of persecution, abuse, harassment, retaliation and bullying as a means to control teachers which drives many good teachers to leave the profession and contributes to student failure. In her new book,"Make Education Great Again: It's Time for a Revolution!" she PRESCRIBES solutions to the current climate and purposeful plan to hinder the public school education of children of certain economic and racial status. She refers to this plan as "domestic terrorism in education" being executed by members in and out of the educational community and thereby offers ten solutions to defeat it.
Gail Bingham is a storyteller --a playwright, actress, filmmaker and author. Her memoir was featured at the 2017 ASALH (Association for the Study of African American Life and History) luncheon, a recent literary cafe event, the 2017 NAACP Convention and has been featured on radio shows including recently on WPGC radio, a CBS affiliate. Her book along with public service and community activism efforts allowed her to receive an Honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters (Honoris Causa). She has a new book soon to be released,
She is a 25-year veteran Educator/Program Coordinator/Music/Media and English Resource Specialist in public school education. She received her Bachelor's degree in English from Hampton University and Master's degree in Education from Howard University. She has executive produced a children's television show, "Getting Schooled," through her business FACES E.P.T. where she helps youth research/realize careers in media and the arts. She is currently retired from teaching as she transitions into a new career of writing/editing, production, consulting and advocacy. Dr. Bingham has served the community as an NAACP State Adviser where she chartered the first Jr. Youth Council in Maryland. She has also served as a PTSA (Parent Teacher Student Association) Delegate, and has served in media roles for her church and other organizations. Her most significant achievement is parenting her son who has attended a Princeton University Scholars Program for two summers and is a scholarship recipient as he pursues a career in business and the visual arts/digital media marketing.