Beatrice Moore Luchin @BeaLuchin
Educator, Mathematics Consultant, Author
Educational View
The Importance of Integrating a Social Justice Approach
Within the K-12 Mathematics Curriculum

Beatrice Moore Luchin
Educator, Mathematics Consultant, Author
Educational View: The Importance of Integrating a Social Justice Approach Within the K-12 Mathematics Curriculum
Bio: Beatrice Moore Luchin is an experienced mathematics educator who has worked as a secondary mathematics teacher, district supervisor, consultant, mathematics textbook author and mathematics coach. Beatrice currently serves as the Executive Director of The Benjamin Banneker Association, Inc., a national affiliate of The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
She has seamlessly integrated her Texas Lifetime Secondary Teacher Certifications in the areas of Mathematics, Spanish and Journalism into her work with various programs to support improved instruction- with a focus on equity and providing support for underrepresented student populations. She has had the honor of presenting nationally in 47 of the 50 states and internationally in Canada, Bermuda, and the Caribbean, She continues to contract with numerous state and national projects including Tarleton State University Teacher Quality grant as a service provider, Lamar University Teacher Quality grant external evaluator, Texas State University Mathematics for English Language Learners Initiative contributor and trainer, and the State of Maine Department of Education Syntiro Mathematics and Science service provider. She has also worked with Project GRAD Houston as Mathematics Manager for 5 high schools, and The College Board Equity 2000 project site coordinator. Beatrice received her Bachelor’s Degree with a major Mathematics, minor Spanish and Speech/Journalism from Prairie View A&M University, and Master of Education, Tarleton State University. Additional training and certifications include Professional Coaching Training, Dave Ellis Leadership and Coach Training Program; Texas Education Agency Super Trainer Probability &, Statistics, Algebra, Measurement, Geometry and Middle School Mathematics Module Trainer; Houston ISD/Shell Oil Mathematics with Computer Applications; and, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Geometry Institute.
During her career, she has been honored with numerous awards including the Benjamin Banneker Association, Inc. 2017 Lifetime Achievement Award, Texas Council of Teachers of Mathematics Leadership Award, 2015 for exemplary leadership at the state and national level; Governor Rick Perry’s Math Initiative Advisory Board, 2002- 2006; TXASCD George H. Brownlee Leadership Award for exemplary leadership in instruction, curriculum and professional development contributions; Houston Business Committee for Educational Excellence Award; Fort Worth/College Board Certificate of Achievement in Academic Excellence; Houston ISD Teacher of the Year Finalist; She is the recipient of 3 Houston Business Committee for Educational Excellence grants; and, the Fort Worth Business Alliance Educational Leadership Award.
Beatrice is a past Board member of The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), an international organization with over 100, 000 members and was recently named as the Executive Director of The Benjamin Banneker Association, Incorporated (BBA), a national affiliate of the NCTM. She has published a variety of professional articles which include Improving K-14 Algebra Instruction: A Discussion of Teachers' Responsibilities and Students' Opportunities The Nature and Role of Algebra in the K-14 Curriculum: Proceedings of a National Symposium (1998) published by the National Academies Press , A Framework for Communicating a Vision of Algebra: A discussion Document published by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics , and Questioning Strategies: From Research to Practice, Texas Association of School Curriculum and Design 2005. She served as a contributor and commentator on the Insights into Algebra I, video lesson commentaries produced by the Annenberg Channel and Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Mrs. Moore Luchin is an author of mathematics textbooks for McGraw-Hill Publishing for middle school and Algebra, and a Program Consultant with Voyager Sopris Learning, Velocity K-5 Mathematics Program.
Educator, Mathematics Consultant, Author
Educational View: The Importance of Integrating a Social Justice Approach Within the K-12 Mathematics Curriculum
Bio: Beatrice Moore Luchin is an experienced mathematics educator who has worked as a secondary mathematics teacher, district supervisor, consultant, mathematics textbook author and mathematics coach. Beatrice currently serves as the Executive Director of The Benjamin Banneker Association, Inc., a national affiliate of The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
She has seamlessly integrated her Texas Lifetime Secondary Teacher Certifications in the areas of Mathematics, Spanish and Journalism into her work with various programs to support improved instruction- with a focus on equity and providing support for underrepresented student populations. She has had the honor of presenting nationally in 47 of the 50 states and internationally in Canada, Bermuda, and the Caribbean, She continues to contract with numerous state and national projects including Tarleton State University Teacher Quality grant as a service provider, Lamar University Teacher Quality grant external evaluator, Texas State University Mathematics for English Language Learners Initiative contributor and trainer, and the State of Maine Department of Education Syntiro Mathematics and Science service provider. She has also worked with Project GRAD Houston as Mathematics Manager for 5 high schools, and The College Board Equity 2000 project site coordinator. Beatrice received her Bachelor’s Degree with a major Mathematics, minor Spanish and Speech/Journalism from Prairie View A&M University, and Master of Education, Tarleton State University. Additional training and certifications include Professional Coaching Training, Dave Ellis Leadership and Coach Training Program; Texas Education Agency Super Trainer Probability &, Statistics, Algebra, Measurement, Geometry and Middle School Mathematics Module Trainer; Houston ISD/Shell Oil Mathematics with Computer Applications; and, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Geometry Institute.
During her career, she has been honored with numerous awards including the Benjamin Banneker Association, Inc. 2017 Lifetime Achievement Award, Texas Council of Teachers of Mathematics Leadership Award, 2015 for exemplary leadership at the state and national level; Governor Rick Perry’s Math Initiative Advisory Board, 2002- 2006; TXASCD George H. Brownlee Leadership Award for exemplary leadership in instruction, curriculum and professional development contributions; Houston Business Committee for Educational Excellence Award; Fort Worth/College Board Certificate of Achievement in Academic Excellence; Houston ISD Teacher of the Year Finalist; She is the recipient of 3 Houston Business Committee for Educational Excellence grants; and, the Fort Worth Business Alliance Educational Leadership Award.
Beatrice is a past Board member of The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), an international organization with over 100, 000 members and was recently named as the Executive Director of The Benjamin Banneker Association, Incorporated (BBA), a national affiliate of the NCTM. She has published a variety of professional articles which include Improving K-14 Algebra Instruction: A Discussion of Teachers' Responsibilities and Students' Opportunities The Nature and Role of Algebra in the K-14 Curriculum: Proceedings of a National Symposium (1998) published by the National Academies Press , A Framework for Communicating a Vision of Algebra: A discussion Document published by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics , and Questioning Strategies: From Research to Practice, Texas Association of School Curriculum and Design 2005. She served as a contributor and commentator on the Insights into Algebra I, video lesson commentaries produced by the Annenberg Channel and Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Mrs. Moore Luchin is an author of mathematics textbooks for McGraw-Hill Publishing for middle school and Algebra, and a Program Consultant with Voyager Sopris Learning, Velocity K-5 Mathematics Program.