Dr. Elliott Heflin
The Impact of Urban Blight/Urban Decay on the Academic Success of Students
Dr. Mike Robinson, host of Parent Talk Live speaks with Dr. Elliott Heflin about the damaging effects of living in blighted and decaying communities have on the academic success of students. Dr. Elliott Heflin provides his thoughtful views on the issue associated with children living in decaying communities.
Dr. Mike Robinson: What drives your passion for education and making a difference in the lives of others?Dr. Elliott Heflin: My passion for education is fueled by seeing others empowered to make an impact in their family and community.
Dr. Mike Robinson: What comes to mind when you think of Urban Blight/Decay?
Dr. Elliott Heflin: I think of the unemployment rates, high crime rates, depopulation, desolate-looking landscapes, and abandonment of buildings and split families.
Dr. Mike Robinson: To what extent do you believe having to navigate blighted communities and neighborhoods just to reach school affects a student’s
Dr. Mike Robinson: What are ways researchers/scholars of color can be involved in the educational system beyond conducting and releasing the findings from their investigations?
Dr. Elliott Heflin: One way is to educate themselves on how to get a seat at the table, so they will be able to create and enforce policy.
Dr. Mike Robinson: Are the conditions of many blighted and decaying communities beyond repair?
Dr. Elliott Heflin: My belief is no, if we as a people invest in our community instead of waiting for the government to repair our communities. We spend a lot money on things that do not benefit our community i.e. weave, car and clothes.

Dr. Mike Robinson: Can we create scholars where there is hopelessness?
Dr. Elliott Heflin: Yes we can create scholars where there is hopelessness. We are a people that have produced scholars in far worst condition than a decaying environment. We are descendent of slave, I think they had it much worse than we do today.
Dr. Elliott Heflin: Yes we can create scholars where there is hopelessness. We are a people that have produced scholars in far worst condition than a decaying environment. We are descendent of slave, I think they had it much worse than we do today.
Dr. Mike Robinson: Do you see in the future a ground swell of communities coming together and really moving the needle that will not take decades to improve their community and as a result their educational experiences of children who need it most?
Dr. Elliott Heflin: I see it coming together if the educators of that community start being taught by people who look like them, this would give the students an opportunity to see that it is possible to become academically success, their Teacher or Professor would become their role model.
Dr. Mike Robinson: What do you see as the untapped potential of children living in these communities that are at risk of never being realized or utilized?
Dr. Elliott Heflin: Because as a society, some have brought into that some students are not intelligent. We need to recruit educators that have exposed this notion to be propaganda. As a society we must be honest there is potential in every community.
Dr. Elliott Heflin: I see it coming together if the educators of that community start being taught by people who look like them, this would give the students an opportunity to see that it is possible to become academically success, their Teacher or Professor would become their role model.
Dr. Mike Robinson: What do you see as the untapped potential of children living in these communities that are at risk of never being realized or utilized?
Dr. Elliott Heflin: Because as a society, some have brought into that some students are not intelligent. We need to recruit educators that have exposed this notion to be propaganda. As a society we must be honest there is potential in every community.