Alexandra Marie
Learning English Through Music
The power of Music as a vehicle of communication has been recognized throughout the centuries even by ancient civilizations. From Plato to Zoltan Kodaly, Music has been linked to student academic achievement. The work of Howard Gardner (1983, 1993, and 1999) on Multiple Intelligences has brought to the pedagogical field a new insight and new considerations regarding individual learning styles. Gardner’s theory gave new understanding on how other forms of intelligences, such as Musical intelligence besides linguistic and logical- mathematical intelligence, can be stimulated to promote student’s achievement within school settings. In his study on how Music helps to accelerate language reading, Legg (2009) states that the studies of Hurtwitzs (1975), Kelley (1981), Wood (1990), and Andrew (1997) have consistently proved the strong relationship that exists between reading skills development and formal musical training among students at all school levels. Additionally, new trends in education, such as the communicative and content-based instruction approaches, created a new movement in curriculum development that encourages language instruction through meaningful content areas, academic subjects and culture. The ESL classroom setting has also being influenced by the new currents in education, yet more research in the field of ESL and academic content integration is needed. The purpose of this literature review study is to determine the benefits as well as the results of integrating Music as part of language learning by implementing effective classroom practices that incorporate both fields. The study will also explore which strategies are most helpful to attain language learning objectives through the use of Music in the classroom settings at different cognitive stages. ![]()
Alexandra Marie is an Argentinean-American Lyric Soprano who arrived in the United States in 1990. She received scholarships from NWSA/MDCC and Later FUI, earning her Bachelor’s Degree in Music and Performance in 1996. Alexandra Marie has appeared with Symphony Orchestras and Zarzuela companies around the U.S. and South America. Alexandra Marie recorded in Buenos Aires “Esencia de Mujer”, a tribute to Latin Women in Music and History. Alexandra was featured in the 2013 CD compilation: “TANGO in Miami “a cultural initiative by the Consulate general of the Argentine Republic in Miami. In 2015, Alexandra will perform for Hispanic Heritage “From Spain and Beyond” at Palm Beach Auditorium, “Festival de Cine Argentino” in Nova University and CCE / Ginastera in 2016. |