Nathaniel Bryan, Ph.D.
The Value of Men of Color Sharing
Their Stories, Meditations, affirmations, and Inspirations
Dr. Nathaniel Bryan
Dr. Nathaniel Bryan
Clinical Assistant Professor
Educational View:The Value of Men of Color Sharing
Their Stories, Meditations, affirmations, and Inspirations
Bio: Nathaniel Bryan, Ph.D. is a clinical assistant professor of curriculum studies at the University of South Carolina. His teaching and scholarship explores issues of equity and diversity, critical race theory, culturally relevant teaching, urban education, and Black education. Though he studies broadly these frameworks, he is particularly interested in the constructed identities and pedagogical styles of Black male teachers and the schooling experiences of Black boys in early childhood classrooms through critical lens. He has published works in academic journals including Gifted Child Today, Interdisciplinary Journal of Teaching and Learning, Journal of Negro Education, Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, Race Ethnicity and Education, and Urban Review. He also serves as a reviewer for several peer-reviewed journals including the Journal of Negro Education and Journal of Teacher Education. In his spare time, Dr. Bryan enjoys reading novels, traveling abroad, and spending time with family.
Clinical Assistant Professor
Educational View:The Value of Men of Color Sharing
Their Stories, Meditations, affirmations, and Inspirations
Bio: Nathaniel Bryan, Ph.D. is a clinical assistant professor of curriculum studies at the University of South Carolina. His teaching and scholarship explores issues of equity and diversity, critical race theory, culturally relevant teaching, urban education, and Black education. Though he studies broadly these frameworks, he is particularly interested in the constructed identities and pedagogical styles of Black male teachers and the schooling experiences of Black boys in early childhood classrooms through critical lens. He has published works in academic journals including Gifted Child Today, Interdisciplinary Journal of Teaching and Learning, Journal of Negro Education, Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, Race Ethnicity and Education, and Urban Review. He also serves as a reviewer for several peer-reviewed journals including the Journal of Negro Education and Journal of Teacher Education. In his spare time, Dr. Bryan enjoys reading novels, traveling abroad, and spending time with family.