Will Jordan, JD
Executive Director
Metropolitan St. Louis Equal Housing Opportunity Council
Understanding Equal and Fair Housing Challenges in Ferguson/St. Louis

Living Education eFocus News discussed the issues of equal and fair housing in the cities of Ferguson and St. Louis, Missouri with Mr. Will Jordan, JD. Mr. Jordan has served as the Executive Director of the Metropolitan St. Louis Equal Housing Opportunity Council since June 2002.
Mr. Jordan regularly consults with Attorneys, HUD officials, U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. Attorneys and Missouri Attorney’s General on behalf of EHOC concerning active investigations, lawsuits and settlement negotiations of fair housings cases. In 2008 EHOC was recognized by HUD’s National Office for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity as a "Blue Ribbon" Private Fair Housing Agency and the most Innovative private fair housing agency in the U.S. In 2005 He was awarded the Governors Human Rights Award, by the State of Illinois Governor, for "Distinguished leadership in protecting the human rights of the people of Illinois". In 2004 He, as Executive Director of EHOC received Focus St. Louis’ "What’s Right with the Region" Racial Equality and Social Justice Award.
To hear the entire interview click the link below.
Mr. Jordan regularly consults with Attorneys, HUD officials, U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. Attorneys and Missouri Attorney’s General on behalf of EHOC concerning active investigations, lawsuits and settlement negotiations of fair housings cases. In 2008 EHOC was recognized by HUD’s National Office for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity as a "Blue Ribbon" Private Fair Housing Agency and the most Innovative private fair housing agency in the U.S. In 2005 He was awarded the Governors Human Rights Award, by the State of Illinois Governor, for "Distinguished leadership in protecting the human rights of the people of Illinois". In 2004 He, as Executive Director of EHOC received Focus St. Louis’ "What’s Right with the Region" Racial Equality and Social Justice Award.
To hear the entire interview click the link below.