3 Questions
Suzanne Sibole
Keeping Schools Safe

Dr. Mike Robinson, host of 3 Questions interviewed Suzanne Sibole on methods schools can take to assess and perhaps prevent violence on their campuses.
Bio: As the founder of Youth Risk Prevention Specialists and creator of the SafeAware program, Suzanne Sibole works with school districts nationwide to significantly increase their levels of safety. With the SafeAware program, schools receive step-by-step assistance developing safety
and crisis response plans and setting up violence threat assessment teams. Suzanne trains all
staff on everyday school safety, detecting the warning signs of suicide and violence, and the
importance of reporting and following up. She then works with key staff members until they are
confident assessing individual cases and managing potential school threats. She also speaks to
parents about their critical role in school safety and violence prevention.Suzanne earned a B.A. in Psychology, M.S. in Counseling Psychology and a Substance Abuse Certificate, all from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a Graduate Certificate in Forensic Criminology from the University of Massachusetts.
She trained at the Gavin de Becker & Associates Advanced Threat Assessment & Management Academy in Los Angeles and has participated in training on school safety, violence warning signs, and threat assessment with national experts Michael Dorn, Dr. Randy Borum, Dr. Reid Meloy Dr. Kris Mohandie, Dr. Steve Albrecht, Steve Weston, Bob Martin and Dr. James McGee. Suzanne is a member of ATAP (Association of Threat Assessment Professionals) and attends their annual training conferences to stay current in this ever-evolving field. From 2006-2011, Suzanne led a team to develop an award-winning district crisis and safety plan, receiving the Lighthouse Award from the Wisconsin School Public Relations Association (WSPRA). She is a certified trainer for REMS (Readiness & Emergency Management for Schools) Emergency Operations Plans. UK marketing expert recently Jim Connolly recognized
Suzanne as one of six “great blogs” authors. Her blog can be accessed here. Suzanne has worked in Wisconsin, New Mexico, and New York as a School Counselor, AODA Prevention Educator, District Safe & Drug Free Schools Coordinator, and Prevention Consultant for a statewide agency. She is currently based in the Albuquerque, New Mexico area.
To find out more about Suzanne Sibole click here!