Carolyn Boston
Candidate for Board of Education District 6
Prince George's County Public Schools

Dr. Mike Robinson: What will it take for you to win and what factors do you believe can change the tide of any political contest especially in Prince George's County Maryland.
Carolyn Boston: Elections are about working diligently to ensure voters are clear about your message of progress and ensuring those voters come out to vote. This is what my campaign is focused on accomplishing. I am a strong advocate of Prince George’s County Public Schools and I will continue to work hard to advance an excellent education for our young people. What we know is that there are many successes in PGCPS and there are other areas that we will continue to work on improving. Lastly, I am committed to staying the course to ensure that progress sustains.
Carolyn Boston: Elections are about working diligently to ensure voters are clear about your message of progress and ensuring those voters come out to vote. This is what my campaign is focused on accomplishing. I am a strong advocate of Prince George’s County Public Schools and I will continue to work hard to advance an excellent education for our young people. What we know is that there are many successes in PGCPS and there are other areas that we will continue to work on improving. Lastly, I am committed to staying the course to ensure that progress sustains.