This is an extraordinary moving book, one of which that others in the workforce will be able to easily relate to and perhaps share their sexual harassment experiences. This book will help one to identify individuals in key positions, whom you may know were SexCessFully promoted.
The theme of this book is centered around education, (SexCessFully Promotions in the School System). The author shares stories of her twenty-eight years of experiences in education. She never received a promotion during this tenure because she refused to have sex with individuals in top positions, regardless of having been more than qualified. Unlike many other individuals in the school system, whereas in many cases, violated their morals, values and spiritual beliefs just to leave the classroom and have a title.
The author shares true cases that she witnessed, as well as others who were willing to openly share horrors of sexual harassment. In many cases, there were some individuals who were either promoted or demoted. In every traumatic case, the result of sexual harassment initiated the death of a classroom teacher who had refused to become sexually involved with her superior.
Although the events in this book are ongoing, there are suggestions and solutions that one could adopt after having read this book to help prevent and or make known this type of harassment without having to be afraid or undergo any type of manic depression.
This book is particularly about the author’s strength, courage, and moral that she so eloquently and honestly exemplifies throughout the dialogue to help make the public aware of the continuous humiliation that one faces from individuals in decision-making positions.
Finally, this book exposes the discrimination among individuals in reference to size, age, complexion, and others.
Dr. Estella Ingram-Levy
Dr. Estella Ingram-Levy was born in Rockingham, NC, and currently lives in Baltimore, Maryland. She has lived in New Jersey, New York and Singapore. Her parents reared thirteen children, five boys and eight girls. She is the youngest of the girls. Her parents, four brothers, and four sisters are deceased. She is well traveled, and have visited many countries throughout the world with her late husband, Jazz Musician O’Donel Levy. In addition, her profession provided the opportunities for her to travel to conferences, facilitate a variety of seminars and lectures in the sciences. She has a diversified background, including degrees/ and or certifications from six major universities, namely Morgan State University, Johns Hopkins University and School of Medicine, University of Maryland, University of Pennsylvania, Carnegie Mellon; George Washington University, and in addition, Baltimore City Community College. (Computer Science)
It is because of her diversified background and experiences; she has written and published many periodicals in the sciences and medicine. She has served on many major boards, most of which she was the president. i.e. IT Board for Baltimore City Public School System; President, Baltimore City Council Education Board; Leak Street Culture Center National President; Deputy Commissioner for the Black United Fire Fighters, (BUFF) Baltimore City; Maryland Central Health Commissioner, (assigned to nine hospitals), etc. She has won numerous awards, including Baltimore City Woman of the Year, Baltimore City Teacher of the Year, Three Black Wall Street Awards, Superintendent Meritorious Award, Many State Legislative and City Council Awards just to name a few. In addition, she served as a Faculty for the White House during President Reagan’s Regime, and traveled with the White House personnel throughout the United States.
Even though her experiences, knowledge and diversity are many, she has a passion for the arts, including writing articles/books that will help and enlighten others.