3 Questions with Dr. Leah Whigham
The Childhood Obesity Crisis in America and Can Recess Make A Difference

Dr. Mike Robinson, host of 3 Questions interviewed Dr. Leah Whigham, Executive Director The Paso del Norte Institute for Healthy Living regarding the childhood obesity crisis in American and can recess make a difference in the health of our children?
Dr. Whigham has a B.S. degree in biochemistry from Iowa State University and a Ph.D. in Nutritional Sciences from University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dr. Whigham's career has focused on obesity, nutrition and weight loss. Her work has contributed to our understanding of metabolism as it impacts obesity, effects of certain nutrients on body fat, and the interaction between infection and obesity. She has been invited to give scientific presentations throughout the United States and around the world. Her work has received top awards through the US Department of Agriculture. In conjunction with her position as the Executive Director of the Institute for Healthy Living, Dr. Whigham holds an appointment as Research Associate Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences at the University of Texas at El Paso and adjunct faculty appointments at the University of Texas School of Public Health and the Texas Tech University Health Science Center.
Dr. Whigham has a B.S. degree in biochemistry from Iowa State University and a Ph.D. in Nutritional Sciences from University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dr. Whigham's career has focused on obesity, nutrition and weight loss. Her work has contributed to our understanding of metabolism as it impacts obesity, effects of certain nutrients on body fat, and the interaction between infection and obesity. She has been invited to give scientific presentations throughout the United States and around the world. Her work has received top awards through the US Department of Agriculture. In conjunction with her position as the Executive Director of the Institute for Healthy Living, Dr. Whigham holds an appointment as Research Associate Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences at the University of Texas at El Paso and adjunct faculty appointments at the University of Texas School of Public Health and the Texas Tech University Health Science Center.
ABOUT THE PASO DEL NORTE INSTITUTE FOR HEALTHY LIVINGThe University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP); The University of Texas Health Science Center-Houston, School of Public Health (UTSPH); The Texas Tech University Health Science Center-Paul L. Foster School of Medicine (TTUHSC-PLFSOM); and the Paso del Norte Health Foundation (PdNHF) have established a four-institutional partnership to implement an Institute designed to serve as a widely recognized model, in and beyond the U.S., for promoting proper nutrition, healthy eating behaviors, and physical activity; advocating for effective programs and public policies; and leading action for improved nutrition and physical activity in the Paso del Norte region.
THE PASO DEL NORTE INSTITUTE FOR HEALTHY LIVINGThe Paso del Norte Institute for Healthy Living provides leadership and innovative approaches to support regional community efforts to promote proper nutrition, healthy eating behaviors, and physical activity, including advocacy and technical assistance for effective programs and public policies.
Located in El Paso, Texas, the Institute combines the strengths of four institutions, The University of Texas at El Paso, The University of Tex_as Health Science Center-Houston, School of Public Health, The Texas Tech University Health Science Center-Paul L. Foster School of Medicine, and the Paso del Norte Health Foundation to lead action for improved nutrition and physical activity in the Paso del Norte region, including far west Texas, |
SERVICE AREAPaso del Norte Region
The Paso del Norte Institute for Healthy Living (IHL) serves the Paso del Norte Region of the US-Mexico border. This region consists of three counties in New Mexico, USA (Luna, Doña Ana and Otero), two counties in Texas, USA (El Paso and Hudspeth) and the city of Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México. |