Founder and CEO

Michel S. Davis Robinson is the Founder and CEO of Forest Of The Rain Productions; an Educational Affairs organization. She is also the Publisher and Co-Editor of Living Education eMagazine. Mrs. Davis-Robinson is experienced in executive management, staff and organizational development, human resources, and fiscal retail management.
Mrs. Robinson held management roles with Morgan State University and the University of Maryland College Park. Mrs. Robinson is a leading voice/expert in the area of retail marketing strategies, corporate engagement, community partnership creation, enhancing customer retention, working with faculty and university administration, negotiation of pouring rights and university logo design.
Mrs. Robinson envisioned an educational organization that would provide rich and inclusive content free of the clutter and noise which typically prevents authentic discussions and the eventual development of solutions around issues in education, fair housing, academic research and the business of education.
Mrs. Robinson has served as the executive producer, editor and camerawoman on several video productions for the organization’s program Living Education eMagazine: TV. Mrs. Robinson creates and monitors all content and programs for the Living Education eNetwork radio stations, Living Education eFocus News and Living Education eVideo Chats. She is the host of Fair Housing Today on Living Education eFair-Housing Radio.
Mrs. Robinson is currently a doctoral candidate at Morgan State University. She earned her Master’s in Human Resources from the University of Maryland University College. She is a graduate of Columbia College, located in Columbia, Missouri, where she received a Bachelor of Science degree in Graphic Illustration Art. Mrs. Robinson is a native of St. Louis; she has been married for 30 years to her husband, Dr. Michael A. Robinson. Mrs. Robinson is also the mother of two daughters.
To contact Mrs. Michel S. Davis Robinson, visit or email at [email protected]