Arianna Grant Ed.S was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois and is a product of the Chicago Public School System. She has been an educator for the past 18 years, beginning her educational career in the same system that educated her. During her stint with CPS, she served in the capacity of a self-contained teacher for kdg, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th graders, Golden Apple Teacher Mentor, Dean of Students, School Wide Behavior Modification Coach, Assistant Principal and other roles that allowed her to educate, lead, support and motivate other students and teachers. Along with a co-teacher, Ms. Grant has developed a school wide behavior modification program that was adopted by other schools in her district. She also co-founded a small school that focused on same sex classrooms. She educated a cohort of girls and looped with them from 6th to 8th grade while her counterpart did the same for the males. This prompted her study in the effectiveness of same sex classrooms on student engagement and academic achievement, with a focus on African American girls in 6th thru 8th grade, the topic of her capstone paper.