Karen Stone, MA
CEO of SoftStone Products, Inc.
Educational View: Teaching and Implementing the 7 Attributes of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in all classrooms: An Educational Must In The Future
Karen Stone has over 35 yrs experience in education from preschool-college. She has a BA in Special Ed and MA in Learning Disabilities. Not only a professional in the field but also a parent of a child with significant disabilities. Her business experience includes 5 years as manager of the after-school tutoring program in 9 counties for EIRC. She is currently the CEO of SoftStone Products, Inc. Karen has written children’s Emotional Intelligence programs (Pre-school-HS) research-based and piloted. This program is complete with classroom curriculums and parent guides. The website, creatorofjoy.com, shares her characters and program giving parents activities to bringing Emotional Intelligence (EQ) into their homes. Karen writes an anti-bullying blog with now over 125,000 followers that is also viewed on major network websites. Her new book, “How To Keep Your Children Emotionally Safe In An Emotionally Unsafe World,” will be available in the near future. Her passion and life’s work is creating emotionally safe environments in school and at home so that each child has the opportunity to reach his/her unique potential.
CEO of SoftStone Products, Inc.
Educational View: Teaching and Implementing the 7 Attributes of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in all classrooms: An Educational Must In The Future
Karen Stone has over 35 yrs experience in education from preschool-college. She has a BA in Special Ed and MA in Learning Disabilities. Not only a professional in the field but also a parent of a child with significant disabilities. Her business experience includes 5 years as manager of the after-school tutoring program in 9 counties for EIRC. She is currently the CEO of SoftStone Products, Inc. Karen has written children’s Emotional Intelligence programs (Pre-school-HS) research-based and piloted. This program is complete with classroom curriculums and parent guides. The website, creatorofjoy.com, shares her characters and program giving parents activities to bringing Emotional Intelligence (EQ) into their homes. Karen writes an anti-bullying blog with now over 125,000 followers that is also viewed on major network websites. Her new book, “How To Keep Your Children Emotionally Safe In An Emotionally Unsafe World,” will be available in the near future. Her passion and life’s work is creating emotionally safe environments in school and at home so that each child has the opportunity to reach his/her unique potential.