Parent and PGCPS Conversations for the Engaged Parent and Dedicated Educator
Arun Puracken Candidate for Board of Education District 9 Shares His Vision for Education in Prince George's County
Dr. Mike Robinson
Welcome to Parents and PGCPS: Conversations for the Engaged Parent and Dedicated Educator. I am your host Dr. Michael Robinson. Over the past several days, I have embarked on a journey across our beautifully diverse communities to talk with parents/families, educators, community and civic leaders regarding their views and perspectives about the future of education in Prince George’s County.
One of those voices is that of Arun Puracken
Arun Puracken
Arun Puracken attended Prince George’s County Public Schools from K-12. He attended Bladensburg Elementary, Kettering Elementary, Kettering Middle, and graduating from Largo High School in 2007. Arun was most notable as anchor for Good Morning Kettering, a television broadcast in Elementary and Middle School which made him very popular amongst his classmates. Arun also participated in the Civil Air Patrol (official auxiliary of the US Air Force), rising to the rank of Cadet Master Sergeant.
Arun attended the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and a minor in Sociology. While at UMBC, Arun participated in the Student Government Association and UMBC B.R.O.T.H.E.R.S, a mentoring organization for Baltimore area middle school students. Arun obtained an internship with the Baltimore City State’s Attorney’s Office in the Department of Victims/Witness Services providing administrative help but also sitting in on cases and provide document assistance.
Arun started teaching 7th/8th Grade Social Studies at Accokeek Academy in 2014/2015 school year and has remained in that role. In his second year, he became the Social Studies Department Chair and National History Day coordinator.