Parents and PGCPS Conversations for the Engaged Parent and Dedicated Educator Wala Blegay Candidate for Prince George’s County Delegate Seat Representing District 25 Shares Her Views on Education
Dr. Mike Robinson
Welcome to Parents and PGCPS: Conversations for the Engaged Parent and Dedicated Educator. I am your host Dr. Michael Robinson. Over the past several days, I have embarked on a journey across our beautifully diverse communities to talk with parents/families, educators, community and civic leaders regarding their views and perspectives about the future of education in Prince George’s County.
One of those voices is that of Ms. Wala Blegay
Wala Blegay
Wala Blegay has been a Prince George’s County resident for over 10 years and is an advocate who has fought for Civil Rights, Women’s Rights and Workers’ Rights. She is currently counsel for the DC Nurses Association, a talk show host for the Chat With a Lawyer TV Show, which provides free legal advice to the residents of Prince George’s County, Maryland. and an adjunct professor at American University Washington College of Law. Wala previously served on the Prince George’s County Human Relations Commission, the adjudicatory board that enforces discriminatory cases in the County. She was also appointed to the Maryland Governor’s Task Force for the Study of Economic Development and Apprenticeship Programs by Former Governor Martin O’Malley. She has served on the following Boards: The Training Source, ACLU of Maryland, Maryland Legislative Agenda for Women, Prince George’s County NAACP, Emerge Maryland and Maryland Coalition of Consumer Rights. She has been a strong advocate for police accountability in the county, She was also a recipient of the 2015 40 under 40 in Prince George’s County award, the National Black Caucus of Local Elected Officials Presidential Service Award and the Daily Record Leading Woman award. She has written several articles on civil rights, health care and education issues; ran numerous campaigns in Maryland and the District of Columbia; and was an At-Large Delegate for the 2012 Democratic Convention. Ms. Blegay was born and raised in Washington DC and is a proud member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated. She is a first generation Liberian and Nigerian American; a graduate of University of Maryland, College Park with a B.A. in Government and Politics; and earned a J.D. from American University, Washington College of Law.