School Leadership Lessons From...Life:
A collection of school leadership lessons from the field
Dr. Christopher Wooleyhand @principal64
A collection of school leadership lessons learned in the field. Dr. Wooleyhand shares how his experience as an elementary principal can help school leadership teams target their work. Each vignette is followed by focus questions to spark important conversations around team-building and school improvement.
Christopher Wooleyhand, Ph.D., is an elementary principal in Glen Burnie, Maryland with 28 years of experience in education. He is an adjunct lecturer at McDaniel College focused on the connection between teacher leadership and school performance. Dr. Wooleyhand’s blog, Common Sense School Leadership, highlights the need for practical solutions to the challenges of modern school reform. A former Peace Corps volunteer in the West Indies, Wooleyhand writes about the achievement gap and the need for equitable practices in education. He has been published in Educational Leadership andPrincipal magazine. Dr. Wooleyhand has served as a prospectus reviewer for Corwin Press and Solution Tree Press. He is currently an editorial advisor for Principal magazine. He is also co-founder and co-moderator of Maryland Elementary School Chat (#mdeschat) which meets every Thursday evening at 8:00 p.m. on Twitter. He can be followed on Twitter @principal64.