Prince George's County Candidates
Answer 3 Quick Questions About Education

Dr. Mike Robinson: If elected, will you repeal HB1107?
Wala Blegay: Yes. I will repeal HB1107.
Dr. Mike Robinson: If elected how will you support education in Prince George’s County?
Wala Blegay: (1) Better pay for teachers and administrators; (2) Incentives for business partnerships and apprenticeships program: (3) More accountability and transparency for top officials in the school system (bringing back a fully elected school board); (4) Limit class sizes; (5) More funding for our school system;and (6) Parental incentive programs to encourage more engagement by parents in our school system
Dr. Mike Robinson: How are you going to do all the things you said you are going to do? What is your strategy?
Wala Blegay: By using a progressive caucus and full community engagement to create political pressure.
Wala Blegay: Yes. I will repeal HB1107.
Dr. Mike Robinson: If elected how will you support education in Prince George’s County?
Wala Blegay: (1) Better pay for teachers and administrators; (2) Incentives for business partnerships and apprenticeships program: (3) More accountability and transparency for top officials in the school system (bringing back a fully elected school board); (4) Limit class sizes; (5) More funding for our school system;and (6) Parental incentive programs to encourage more engagement by parents in our school system
Dr. Mike Robinson: How are you going to do all the things you said you are going to do? What is your strategy?
Wala Blegay: By using a progressive caucus and full community engagement to create political pressure.
Lynn Jackson @jackson4md
Candidate for Prince George’s County Maryland Delegate District 27A
Candidate for Prince George’s County Maryland Delegate District 27A

Dr. Mike Robinson: If elected, will you repeal HB1107?
Lynn Jackson: HB 1107 has legislation that effects other counties in Maryland so I will not work to repeal the legislation. I am focused on amending the legislation that effects P.G. county.
Dr. Mike Robinson: If elected how will you support education in Prince George’s County?
Lynn Jackson: I will show up to the General Assembly with legislative amendments for HB 1107 (of 2013) ready to be enacted so that parents and voters have control of their public schools through the Prince George's County Board of Education.
I am also going to spend time each week at the schools in my district. I will work directly with students to help solve problems and to be a source of motivation and inspiration for them. Finally, I plan on hosting fundraisers that will generate money to help motivate students and to help them reach their academic goals.
Dr. Mike Robinson: How are you going to do all the things you said you are going to do? What is your strategy?
Lynn Jackson: As soon as I am elected I will begin meeting with other Maryland Delegates and Senators to gain support for amending HB 1107 (of 2013). I will also meet with the administrators of the high schools in my district to begin to figure out how I can make an impact on students lives by being present at the high schools. Finally, I will use my following on social media and in the community to advertise fundraising events for our students. I will provide my neighbors and donors with a plan that will show them exactly how the money generated for these events will benefit our students. I will also provide accounting statements to those who contribute so that they know exactly where their money is going.
Lynn Jackson: HB 1107 has legislation that effects other counties in Maryland so I will not work to repeal the legislation. I am focused on amending the legislation that effects P.G. county.
Dr. Mike Robinson: If elected how will you support education in Prince George’s County?
Lynn Jackson: I will show up to the General Assembly with legislative amendments for HB 1107 (of 2013) ready to be enacted so that parents and voters have control of their public schools through the Prince George's County Board of Education.
I am also going to spend time each week at the schools in my district. I will work directly with students to help solve problems and to be a source of motivation and inspiration for them. Finally, I plan on hosting fundraisers that will generate money to help motivate students and to help them reach their academic goals.
Dr. Mike Robinson: How are you going to do all the things you said you are going to do? What is your strategy?
Lynn Jackson: As soon as I am elected I will begin meeting with other Maryland Delegates and Senators to gain support for amending HB 1107 (of 2013). I will also meet with the administrators of the high schools in my district to begin to figure out how I can make an impact on students lives by being present at the high schools. Finally, I will use my following on social media and in the community to advertise fundraising events for our students. I will provide my neighbors and donors with a plan that will show them exactly how the money generated for these events will benefit our students. I will also provide accounting statements to those who contribute so that they know exactly where their money is going.
Krystal Oriadha @KrystalOriadha
Candidate for Prince George's County Council District 7

Dr. Mike Robinson: If elected, will you repeal HB1107?
Krystal Oriadha: When elected, I will continue to advocate for the repeal of HB1107
Dr. Mike Robinson: If elected how will you support education in Prince George’s County?
Krystal Oriadha: I will fight for:
(1) Community Schools: which bring all stakeholders to the table like small businesses and nonprofits.
(2) Pre-K for all: I believe that access to quality early education is vital and should be accessible to everyone.
(3) Increase in Pay: I believe we have to value our teachers and pay them what they are worth.
(4) Restorative Justice: I know that expanding restorative justice practices in Prince George's County will help to break the school to prison pipeline.
Dr. Mike Robinson: How are you going to do all the things you said you are going to do? What is your strategy?
Krystal Oriadha: By building a coalition of not only elected officials but of organizers, businesses, nonprofits and community members, we can begin to break down all current communication barriers. As a community organizer, I feel like we are working in silos instead of working to systematically uplift our community together and from all angles.
Krystal Oriadha: When elected, I will continue to advocate for the repeal of HB1107
Dr. Mike Robinson: If elected how will you support education in Prince George’s County?
Krystal Oriadha: I will fight for:
(1) Community Schools: which bring all stakeholders to the table like small businesses and nonprofits.
(2) Pre-K for all: I believe that access to quality early education is vital and should be accessible to everyone.
(3) Increase in Pay: I believe we have to value our teachers and pay them what they are worth.
(4) Restorative Justice: I know that expanding restorative justice practices in Prince George's County will help to break the school to prison pipeline.
Dr. Mike Robinson: How are you going to do all the things you said you are going to do? What is your strategy?
Krystal Oriadha: By building a coalition of not only elected officials but of organizers, businesses, nonprofits and community members, we can begin to break down all current communication barriers. As a community organizer, I feel like we are working in silos instead of working to systematically uplift our community together and from all angles.
Julian Lopez @JulianLopezPG
Candidate (D), Prince George’s County Council at-Large

Dr. Mike Robinson: If elected, will you repeal HB1107?
Julian Lopez: Under Section (4)(c), the General Assembly will review HB1107 and decide on whether to terminate the bill. All County Leaders should act on this and urge the legislature to refuse re-authorization. From the local government, the County Council has no authority to repeal HB1107 alone but the collective voice against this hybrid system must be heard in Annapolis. We would have to aggressively lobby the legislature and executive branch to stop re-authorization.
Dr. Mike Robinson: If elected how will you support education in Prince George’s County?
Julian Lopez: We spend about the same dollar per student compared to Fairfax County ($16,000 est). Bottom line is that we have the resources to improve academic results. To support PGCPS operational budget (BoE managed), the County Council must invest further in 3 critical agencies (Health, Family and Social Services). The combined budget of all three is $37m compared to Dept of Corrections at $90m. We have to slowly switch the budgets. On capital spending, the Council can further support PGCPS by supporting infrastructure development and realigning spending priorities. The notion that County Council Members are powerless in education is a misnomer. I intend to exercise the authority vested in the Council full-force to support education.
Dr. Mike Robinson: How are you going to do all the things you said you are going to do? What is your strategy?
Julian Lopez: Strategy starts with a vision of social equality and justice. This requires intestinal fortitude to push for an education agenda that will level the playing field for all students. The base level policy will require dramatic increases in Health, Family and Social Services. I will hold budgetary increases in all other agencies. I will lead increases in capital and operation resources to support education. This means higher teacher pay. I will freeze governmental salaries above $150,000, a decrease of County Council pay from $120,000 to $90,000 at par with Fairfax County, decrease in pay structures that allow appointed officials to receive more pay than Secretaries of the Army or Navy and the Attorney General. I will enact a prohibition against kleptocratic practices that allow friends and family in the government. We will create a lean government beholden to the people of our county.
Julian Lopez: Under Section (4)(c), the General Assembly will review HB1107 and decide on whether to terminate the bill. All County Leaders should act on this and urge the legislature to refuse re-authorization. From the local government, the County Council has no authority to repeal HB1107 alone but the collective voice against this hybrid system must be heard in Annapolis. We would have to aggressively lobby the legislature and executive branch to stop re-authorization.
Dr. Mike Robinson: If elected how will you support education in Prince George’s County?
Julian Lopez: We spend about the same dollar per student compared to Fairfax County ($16,000 est). Bottom line is that we have the resources to improve academic results. To support PGCPS operational budget (BoE managed), the County Council must invest further in 3 critical agencies (Health, Family and Social Services). The combined budget of all three is $37m compared to Dept of Corrections at $90m. We have to slowly switch the budgets. On capital spending, the Council can further support PGCPS by supporting infrastructure development and realigning spending priorities. The notion that County Council Members are powerless in education is a misnomer. I intend to exercise the authority vested in the Council full-force to support education.
Dr. Mike Robinson: How are you going to do all the things you said you are going to do? What is your strategy?
Julian Lopez: Strategy starts with a vision of social equality and justice. This requires intestinal fortitude to push for an education agenda that will level the playing field for all students. The base level policy will require dramatic increases in Health, Family and Social Services. I will hold budgetary increases in all other agencies. I will lead increases in capital and operation resources to support education. This means higher teacher pay. I will freeze governmental salaries above $150,000, a decrease of County Council pay from $120,000 to $90,000 at par with Fairfax County, decrease in pay structures that allow appointed officials to receive more pay than Secretaries of the Army or Navy and the Attorney General. I will enact a prohibition against kleptocratic practices that allow friends and family in the government. We will create a lean government beholden to the people of our county.
Matt Dernoga @MattDernoga
Candidate for Maryland State Delegate, District-21

Dr. Mike Robinson: If elected, will you repeal HB1107?
Matt Dermpga: I support the repeal of HB 1107. I think the school board should be all elected. If we are concerned with greater levels of expertise, let’s do what we do for other legislative bodies, and make sure they have the support staff needed to analyze budgets and hold the Executive Branch accountable. One part of HB 1107 that I think has some merit, is giving the County Executive a role in choosing the next school CEO. However, I do not support the idea of the County Executive appointing members of the school board.
Dr. Mike Robinson: If elected how will you support education in Prince George’s County?
Matt Dernoga: My first priority is to ensure we are paying our teachers adequately so that Prince George’s County can attract the best teachers, and retain those with experience in our system. Second, we have a multi-billion dollar backlog in school infrastructure that needs to be addressed. Third, I think we need to invest more in mental health professionals and guidance counselors for in our schools to better guide young people, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Fourth, I support creating “Parent Advocates” positions in schools to be a resource for parents trying to navigate the school systems resources, and to mobilize parents to be involved in their kids’ education.
Dr. Mike Robinson: How are you going to do all the things you said you are going to do? What is your strategy?
Matt Dernoga: Most of these priorities cost money, or require policy changes. In addition to working closely with my colleagues and advocacy organizations to achieve shared goals, I will immerse myself in the nuances of school construction funding and state support for local schools. I tend to find in government that being well informed and well researched is critical to understanding how to navigate the policy and politics of any situation to achieve the desired result.
Matt Dermpga: I support the repeal of HB 1107. I think the school board should be all elected. If we are concerned with greater levels of expertise, let’s do what we do for other legislative bodies, and make sure they have the support staff needed to analyze budgets and hold the Executive Branch accountable. One part of HB 1107 that I think has some merit, is giving the County Executive a role in choosing the next school CEO. However, I do not support the idea of the County Executive appointing members of the school board.
Dr. Mike Robinson: If elected how will you support education in Prince George’s County?
Matt Dernoga: My first priority is to ensure we are paying our teachers adequately so that Prince George’s County can attract the best teachers, and retain those with experience in our system. Second, we have a multi-billion dollar backlog in school infrastructure that needs to be addressed. Third, I think we need to invest more in mental health professionals and guidance counselors for in our schools to better guide young people, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Fourth, I support creating “Parent Advocates” positions in schools to be a resource for parents trying to navigate the school systems resources, and to mobilize parents to be involved in their kids’ education.
Dr. Mike Robinson: How are you going to do all the things you said you are going to do? What is your strategy?
Matt Dernoga: Most of these priorities cost money, or require policy changes. In addition to working closely with my colleagues and advocacy organizations to achieve shared goals, I will immerse myself in the nuances of school construction funding and state support for local schools. I tend to find in government that being well informed and well researched is critical to understanding how to navigate the policy and politics of any situation to achieve the desired result.
Kevin M. Harris @kevinmharris
Candidate for Prince George's County Council District 9

Dr. Mike Robinson: If elected, will you repeal HB1107?
Kevin Harris: When elected, I will fight with others to have HB 1107 repealed. This amendment has proven to be ineffective and the residents of the county have called for change.
Dr. Mike Robinson: If elected how will you support education in Prince George’s County?
Kevin Harris: As the next county council member, I will call for an independent audit that details how funds are expended throughout the school system. This audit will also serve as an accountability measure to ensure the following:
1. That teachers are paid well
2. Basic educational tools (books, computers, and paper) and additional supplies are available for all students
3. Enhanced learning programs
4. More support for special needs students
5. Build new/renovate old school buildings
I will make certain that education becomes a top priority again and taxpayer dollars actually make it to the classroom. We can't build from the top down, we must start from the bottom up.
Dr. Mike Robinson: How are you going to do all the things you said you are going to do? What is your strategy?
Kevin Harris: As a council member, my commitment is to the constituents of district 9 and I pledge to represent and serve them.
I believe this election presents an opportunity to improve leadership and develop new systems within Prince George's County schools that ensure:
1. Our students receive the very best education
2. Are able to compete globally
3. Are prepared for life after graduation
My plan is to call for an educational stand down via a two-day roundtable discussion that focuses on developing a pathway to success. This discussion will include all stakeholders (teachers, parents, school administrators, board members, non-profit educational organizations, business owners, union representatives and elected officials) as well as subject matter experts with the goal of:
1. Promoting collaborative efforts
2. Building school communities
3. Revamping the culture
4. Shifting the focus back to our students and teachers
I believe the most effective and efficient way to bring about change and improvement is to build teams around this one common goal, our children. These teams will develop action plans that include accountability and success measures. This group will meet quarterly for a year to determine if milestones are being met. If not, we will make adjustments to ensure the ultimate goal can still be achieved.
Kevin Harris: When elected, I will fight with others to have HB 1107 repealed. This amendment has proven to be ineffective and the residents of the county have called for change.
Dr. Mike Robinson: If elected how will you support education in Prince George’s County?
Kevin Harris: As the next county council member, I will call for an independent audit that details how funds are expended throughout the school system. This audit will also serve as an accountability measure to ensure the following:
1. That teachers are paid well
2. Basic educational tools (books, computers, and paper) and additional supplies are available for all students
3. Enhanced learning programs
4. More support for special needs students
5. Build new/renovate old school buildings
I will make certain that education becomes a top priority again and taxpayer dollars actually make it to the classroom. We can't build from the top down, we must start from the bottom up.
Dr. Mike Robinson: How are you going to do all the things you said you are going to do? What is your strategy?
Kevin Harris: As a council member, my commitment is to the constituents of district 9 and I pledge to represent and serve them.
I believe this election presents an opportunity to improve leadership and develop new systems within Prince George's County schools that ensure:
1. Our students receive the very best education
2. Are able to compete globally
3. Are prepared for life after graduation
My plan is to call for an educational stand down via a two-day roundtable discussion that focuses on developing a pathway to success. This discussion will include all stakeholders (teachers, parents, school administrators, board members, non-profit educational organizations, business owners, union representatives and elected officials) as well as subject matter experts with the goal of:
1. Promoting collaborative efforts
2. Building school communities
3. Revamping the culture
4. Shifting the focus back to our students and teachers
I believe the most effective and efficient way to bring about change and improvement is to build teams around this one common goal, our children. These teams will develop action plans that include accountability and success measures. This group will meet quarterly for a year to determine if milestones are being met. If not, we will make adjustments to ensure the ultimate goal can still be achieved.
Special One Time Addition
Ladel Lewis @Vote4Ladel
Candidate for Democratic Central Committee

Dr. Mike Robinson: If elected, will you repeal or support the repeal of HB1107?
Ladel Lewis: That's outside of the Democratic Central Committees scope of practice. However, I personally don't believe HB1107 is right for our county and will support officials that can repeal it. Furthermore, the constituents should be educated about it so they will be informed and equipped to push for what they think is best.
Dr. Mike Robinson: If elected how will you support education in Prince George’s County?
Ladel Lewis: My platform is voter education. It is imperative to hold forums for EVERYTHING on the ballot and create a central technological location where they can be continuously accessible to all. The best voter is an informed voter. Ignorance is no longer an option.
Dr. Mike Robinson: How are you going to do all the things you said you are going to do? What is your strategy?
Ladel Lewis: I will start by utilizing my district as a prototype by connecting with the community (using varied communication methods E.g. Social media, HOA meetings, mailers and etc.), partnering with key stakeholders to use their resources (venues, key knowledge experts, etc.), and disseminating the information in a central location.
Ladel Lewis: That's outside of the Democratic Central Committees scope of practice. However, I personally don't believe HB1107 is right for our county and will support officials that can repeal it. Furthermore, the constituents should be educated about it so they will be informed and equipped to push for what they think is best.
Dr. Mike Robinson: If elected how will you support education in Prince George’s County?
Ladel Lewis: My platform is voter education. It is imperative to hold forums for EVERYTHING on the ballot and create a central technological location where they can be continuously accessible to all. The best voter is an informed voter. Ignorance is no longer an option.
Dr. Mike Robinson: How are you going to do all the things you said you are going to do? What is your strategy?
Ladel Lewis: I will start by utilizing my district as a prototype by connecting with the community (using varied communication methods E.g. Social media, HOA meetings, mailers and etc.), partnering with key stakeholders to use their resources (venues, key knowledge experts, etc.), and disseminating the information in a central location.
Kevin Thomas @Kevin_s_thomas
Candidate, Maryland House of Delegates and Democratic Central Committee, District 23A

Dr. Mike Robinson: If elected, will you repeal HB1107?
Kevin Thomas: Yes, I would repeal HB 1107.
Dr. Mike Robinson: If elected how will you support education in Prince George’s County?
Kevin Thomas: I will support education in Prince George’s County by advocating to create an academic environment that enriches the lives of all students and prepares them for a variety of opportunities upon graduation whether it be a technical school, community college, a four year institution and/or immediate entry into the workforce. Every student must be considered a priority within our school system and we must prepare them to excel in whichever positive endeavor they choose to partake in. In order to give our children the best chance to excel, we must do right by the honorable men and women who bear the awesome responsibility of preparing them for life. Our teachers play a critical role in the development of our country’s future leaders yet, they are often asked to nurture, educate, advise and motivate our children while receiving inadequate pay, underwhelming classroom budgets which force them to pay for additional resources out of their own hard earned money and additionally, they are treated as if they are expendable at a time when our county’s system ranks 23rd out of 24 jurisdictions and we already run the risk of losing them to other jurisdictions. I will advocate for an increase in teacher compensation, the return of a fully elected school board, accountability and transparency within our state and county government, more apprenticeships, internships and externship opportunities for students, a review of current school safety mechanisms and procedures in order to understand additional resources and policies needed to better secure our schools, support groups for students experiencing a variety of issues, lower student to teacher ratio in the classroom and lastly, educational opportunities for parents and guardians which would help them to better assist their children outside of the classroom. I will advocate for financial literacy to become a graduation requirement in our high schools. In a world in which finances will determine your quality of life, we have a moral responsibility to educate our youth about financial matters in order to increase their level of fiscal responsibility and strengthen our economy. We can’t send our youth out into the world with absolutely no knowledge about finances and then complain about how they are being dependent on the system for assistance if they fall into economic hardship because of their lack of education on how to be fiscally responsible.
Dr. Mike Robinson: How are you going to do all the things you said you are going to do? What is your strategy?
Kevin Thomas: I would implement these initiatives by visiting each school in my district and establishing partnerships with them, while also lobbying my colleagues to sign on to my plan and implement the same practice in their respective districts. Lastly, I would seek to establish a consistent and formidable amount of support and civic engagement among my constituency and citizens across the state in order to put pressure on my colleagues and other officials at the local, state and federal level to take action on legislative initiatives that would benefit the people.
Kevin Thomas: Yes, I would repeal HB 1107.
Dr. Mike Robinson: If elected how will you support education in Prince George’s County?
Kevin Thomas: I will support education in Prince George’s County by advocating to create an academic environment that enriches the lives of all students and prepares them for a variety of opportunities upon graduation whether it be a technical school, community college, a four year institution and/or immediate entry into the workforce. Every student must be considered a priority within our school system and we must prepare them to excel in whichever positive endeavor they choose to partake in. In order to give our children the best chance to excel, we must do right by the honorable men and women who bear the awesome responsibility of preparing them for life. Our teachers play a critical role in the development of our country’s future leaders yet, they are often asked to nurture, educate, advise and motivate our children while receiving inadequate pay, underwhelming classroom budgets which force them to pay for additional resources out of their own hard earned money and additionally, they are treated as if they are expendable at a time when our county’s system ranks 23rd out of 24 jurisdictions and we already run the risk of losing them to other jurisdictions. I will advocate for an increase in teacher compensation, the return of a fully elected school board, accountability and transparency within our state and county government, more apprenticeships, internships and externship opportunities for students, a review of current school safety mechanisms and procedures in order to understand additional resources and policies needed to better secure our schools, support groups for students experiencing a variety of issues, lower student to teacher ratio in the classroom and lastly, educational opportunities for parents and guardians which would help them to better assist their children outside of the classroom. I will advocate for financial literacy to become a graduation requirement in our high schools. In a world in which finances will determine your quality of life, we have a moral responsibility to educate our youth about financial matters in order to increase their level of fiscal responsibility and strengthen our economy. We can’t send our youth out into the world with absolutely no knowledge about finances and then complain about how they are being dependent on the system for assistance if they fall into economic hardship because of their lack of education on how to be fiscally responsible.
Dr. Mike Robinson: How are you going to do all the things you said you are going to do? What is your strategy?
Kevin Thomas: I would implement these initiatives by visiting each school in my district and establishing partnerships with them, while also lobbying my colleagues to sign on to my plan and implement the same practice in their respective districts. Lastly, I would seek to establish a consistent and formidable amount of support and civic engagement among my constituency and citizens across the state in order to put pressure on my colleagues and other officials at the local, state and federal level to take action on legislative initiatives that would benefit the people.