Engaged Parents and Dedicated Educators from Prince George's County Maryland Join our EduSocial Network
Forest of the Rain Productions would like to welcome the engage parents and dedicated educators of Prince George's County, Maryland for becoming our second chapter of our EduSocial Network for Engaged Parents and Dedicated Educators. The new network known as Parents and PGCPS (Prince George's County Public Schools) launched on April 25, 2010 and has over 1000 members. Prince George's County Public School System is the 18th largest in the United States with over 134, 000 students. It is the 2nd largest in the State of Maryland.
The chapter's founder is Anthony Davis. Mr. Davis has been a resident of Prince George's County Maryland for over 20 years. He currently has two children attending school in the County. We saluate Mr. Davis for his commitment to the community, schools and families. If you are interested in starting a chapter of the EduSocial Network of Engaged Parents and Dedicated Educators contact Dr. Debbie Crawford at 301.776.2384 or email us at [email protected].
The chapter's founder is Anthony Davis. Mr. Davis has been a resident of Prince George's County Maryland for over 20 years. He currently has two children attending school in the County. We saluate Mr. Davis for his commitment to the community, schools and families. If you are interested in starting a chapter of the EduSocial Network of Engaged Parents and Dedicated Educators contact Dr. Debbie Crawford at 301.776.2384 or email us at [email protected].