Dr. Tara Richards
Assistant Professor
School of Criminal Justice
University of Baltimore
Assault and Intimate Partner Violence on College Campuses

Living Education eFocus News interviewed Dr. Tara Richards about the issues of assault and intimate partner violence on college campuses. In this two part series, Dr. Richards outlined how college administrators can take a proactive approach to reduce and prevent intimate partner violence and assaults on their college campus.
Dr. Tara N. Richards is an Assistant Professor in the School of Criminal Justice at the University on Baltimore. Her primary areas of research include intimate partner violence, family violence, and the role of gender in criminal justice system processes. Her most recent empirical work has been published in Child Abuse and Neglect, Crime & Delinquency, Journal of Criminal Justice, and Violence and Victims and she is the Co-Editor of the book Sexual victimization: Then and now. Her research paper on college student-to-faculty disclosures of crime victimization is currently under consideration for the Violence Against Women 2013 article of the year.
Dr. Richards serves on the Board of the Maryland Partnership Against Child Sexual Abuse and has been honored by the American Society of Criminology’s Division on Women and Crime and the University of South Florida’s Department of Criminology for her policy relevant scholarship concerning intimate partner violence and her service to adolescent dating violence prevention efforts.
Dr. Tara N. Richards is an Assistant Professor in the School of Criminal Justice at the University on Baltimore. Her primary areas of research include intimate partner violence, family violence, and the role of gender in criminal justice system processes. Her most recent empirical work has been published in Child Abuse and Neglect, Crime & Delinquency, Journal of Criminal Justice, and Violence and Victims and she is the Co-Editor of the book Sexual victimization: Then and now. Her research paper on college student-to-faculty disclosures of crime victimization is currently under consideration for the Violence Against Women 2013 article of the year.
Dr. Richards serves on the Board of the Maryland Partnership Against Child Sexual Abuse and has been honored by the American Society of Criminology’s Division on Women and Crime and the University of South Florida’s Department of Criminology for her policy relevant scholarship concerning intimate partner violence and her service to adolescent dating violence prevention efforts.