Why are "We" as an educated public pouncing on the sound bites from a person who admittedly does not read and people in Congress who have no spine? What the aforementioned do have in common is their need to ensure that they will be okay above all others. How does the public know this? No action after Sandy Hook. No action after Virginia Tech. No action after Las Vegas. No action after the Florida Night Club Shooting. And now No action after the Florida school shooting. But they have shut down the government more than once with no thought for the people who don’t get paid when they do that. To include the service men and women Congress claims to love But Congress still gets paid. They continue to allow the sale of weapons of war to get money from the NRA for their campaigns. Many of the voting public continue to vote for those backed by the NRA believing they will help them stay safe and keep their tax money. With sinking holes in streets swallowing your cars, sinking holes on people’s property swallowing their homes, disintegrating infrastructure, suburban schools getting shot up with weapons of war, the gas and oil companies eating away at the environment with congressional members Blessings, the current administration robbing and stealing everything they can from the tax payers (unwarranted plane rides, pacs taking donations from donors not knowing where their donations are going, and an NRA spokeswoman stating white women crying is rating gold) I ask how is your vote working out for you?