Dr. Mike Robinson: What are the potential psychological effects of children separated from their parents at the U.S. border?
Dr. Nekeshia Hammond: The children at the border are at risk for depression, anxiety, PTSD, academic issues, as well as various physical health issues due to their increased level of stress. This is a horrific and tragic situation for these youth to be ripped from their families. At a young age when a child is learning about trust and the world, to have such a traumatic experience can scar them for life!
Dr. Mike Robinson: To what extent could these traumatic moments of a family being separated at the U.S. border have on the overall dynamics of a family?
Dr. Nekeshia Hammond: Overall family dynamics are also disrupted because not only are children separated contributing to mental health concerns for the children, but parents are in distress as well. In particular, the separation can affect the well-being of the parent, which would affect the ability to parent and the bonding process. Additionally, with increased time away from family, the trauma adds to more wounds that will need healing as the reunification process starts. Overall, the separation can have detrimental and lasting damage to the family unit.
Dr. Nekeshia Hammond’s career has spanned over 15 years, and has been in private practice through Hammond Psychology & Associates, PA since 2009. Throughout this time, she has helped many children cope with and even improve their conditions. She is regularly booked nationwide as a speaker on the topics of children’s mental health and parental wellness. Dr. Hammond has also appeared on renowned media outlets to discuss her topics of expertise.
Dr. Nekeshia Hammond: The children at the border are at risk for depression, anxiety, PTSD, academic issues, as well as various physical health issues due to their increased level of stress. This is a horrific and tragic situation for these youth to be ripped from their families. At a young age when a child is learning about trust and the world, to have such a traumatic experience can scar them for life!
Dr. Mike Robinson: To what extent could these traumatic moments of a family being separated at the U.S. border have on the overall dynamics of a family?
Dr. Nekeshia Hammond: Overall family dynamics are also disrupted because not only are children separated contributing to mental health concerns for the children, but parents are in distress as well. In particular, the separation can affect the well-being of the parent, which would affect the ability to parent and the bonding process. Additionally, with increased time away from family, the trauma adds to more wounds that will need healing as the reunification process starts. Overall, the separation can have detrimental and lasting damage to the family unit.
Dr. Nekeshia Hammond’s career has spanned over 15 years, and has been in private practice through Hammond Psychology & Associates, PA since 2009. Throughout this time, she has helped many children cope with and even improve their conditions. She is regularly booked nationwide as a speaker on the topics of children’s mental health and parental wellness. Dr. Hammond has also appeared on renowned media outlets to discuss her topics of expertise.