One of the biggest challenges for a parent is what to do with their K12 student during the summer. The summer can actually be a fun and educational opportunity for everyone in the family. It is important to start with your own city or town. Make a list of all of the things that there are to do and visit. Get your children involved in coming up with ideas for your list. Talk to other families about what they are doping to keep education as a priority during the summer. Talk to your son or daughter’s school counselor and they may know about special programs that will benefit your child. It is amazing how many free things are going on around town. Of course children will complain but I have found out that once I get them to an event they usually like it. I cannot tell you how many plays and festivals that we have attended and my children actually liked them.
Parent’s need to know the benefits of learning can start early during the summer. Students of all ages you can expand their knowledge and they can help tutor other students too. During the summer you can work on their student’s skills and understanding of words by using board games like Scrabble and Monopoly. There are multiple benefits to learning study strategies during the summer. A student who knows how to study will improve their chances at getting better grades. Students will have an easier time preparing for the future, which may include college or full time employment. Study skills are all a part of the building blocks for a successful future. At all ages the parent plays a critical role in setting the tone for a student’s motivation to learn. During the summer surround your student with positive images that share individuals who have set goals and obtained them. It’s great to feed their minds with positive images during the summer. Let you child write down a list of positive goals that they intend to
Early planning each summer will help you to chart a course of action for each child in your house. Often everyone in the house can be on a different schedule. The parent’s goal should be to encourage every child to become a self starter. You can help your child to get a jump on the fall semester by having a formal reading list that they start right after school has ended. You can find these lists in Library and they are usually designed for specific grades. The tendency is to allow your child to take a mental vacation from reading during the summer. Find fun things for you student to read and they will be hooked. Ask your student questions about the books that they are reading. Select at least one book that’s a personal development book so that they will grow emotionally. Engage them in a conversation by asking open ended questions. For example, why did you like the book that you read? Have a competition to see who can read the most book and win a prize.
Parents can benefit by taking a global perspective on learning during the summer. If your child wants to learn a new language, you can find someone who speaks the language to help them. You can inquire on a college campus in their languages department. You never know how this exploration will help a student to adopt greater inspiration to stay
motivated about school. Go to the library to get books about countries where the language is prominent or go onto the internet to find out more about the language. We live in a global world where learning other languages can give a student an advantage.
Make the summer learning exploration fun. You and your student can have a great summer of learning new things and getting prepared for the fall. Summer is a great time to explore and learn without the pressure of school. When you take a trip consider it a learning opportunity. Now is the time to get ready for a fantastic summer adventure. Let this summer be your greatest learning time ever.
Dr. Jones encourages you to add the Seven Secrets of How to study to your summer reading list. The book has helped students to earn A+ grades all over the country. To get the book visit http://studyskills2u.weebly.com/books.html