The equity hubs you recommended call for Dr. Goldson to allocate $208,000 to service 208 students with special needs. How is the CEO to do that with $1,000 per student allotted for the services?
Shayla Adams-Stafford: This is meant to be a pilot that would have taken place earlier in the year. The program will take a different format, but the goals remain the same. We have many special needs students, students in foster care, and students whose families could not support them with virtual learning. We have to do everything possible to reach students that are highly vulnerable and have not accessed school in over a year. This is a step in that direction.
Shayla Adams-Stafford: This is meant to be a pilot that would have taken place earlier in the year. The program will take a different format, but the goals remain the same. We have many special needs students, students in foster care, and students whose families could not support them with virtual learning. We have to do everything possible to reach students that are highly vulnerable and have not accessed school in over a year. This is a step in that direction.