Dr. Mike Robinson: What is the value of a higher education degree?
Dr. Henry M. Carter: The word education is a Latin word called E Duco that out of or to lead. Education's purpose is to lead us out of the darkness of ignorance. The higher we ascend, the greater the enlightenment. The value is part subjective. The individual may have personal reasons they value higher education. The general value is for society's betterment.
Dr. Mike Robinson: What role has education played in your life?
Dr. Henry M. Carter: Education has provided me with the opportunity to create a new paradigm for me. I am the first and only of my mother's four children to graduate from college. I was able to preserve the vicissitudes of life and acquire my doctorate in business administration. Education has also allowed me to establish a legacy for my children. My daughters are both pursuing doctorates. One is pursuing her Ph.D. and the other a law degree.
Dr. Mike Robinson: What educational advice would you offer to young people leaving high school on their way to college?
Dr. Henry M. Carter: I have provided post-secondary preparation for thousands of your people. I share with them " To Thy Own Self be True" Choose a major compatible with who you are at your core. If you choose a degree based on money, you will soon find yourself a victim of dreams deferred and arrested development.
Dr. Henry M. Carter has his B.S Degree in Psychology and Criminal Justice, Masters of Business Administration (MBA), and his Doctorate of Business Administration. Dr.Carter is an author, life coach, and national trainer. He has 28 yrs. of community and leadership development experience. Dr. Carter served as an Executive Director and Operation Manager for the YMCA and as the Director of Atlanta Technical College Institute for Males. Dr. Carter is the Founder and CEO of Manly Deeds Inc., an organization that provides post-secondary preparation, personal and professional development skills for boys and men of color. Dr. Carter is also the President of H.M. Carter and Associates, a company that offers consulting, workshops, seminars, and public speaking. The company services provide their clients with the knowledge and skills necessary to improve their work performance and communication abilities .2740 Dean Court. Conyer, GA 30094|
Dr. Henry M. Carter: The word education is a Latin word called E Duco that out of or to lead. Education's purpose is to lead us out of the darkness of ignorance. The higher we ascend, the greater the enlightenment. The value is part subjective. The individual may have personal reasons they value higher education. The general value is for society's betterment.
Dr. Mike Robinson: What role has education played in your life?
Dr. Henry M. Carter: Education has provided me with the opportunity to create a new paradigm for me. I am the first and only of my mother's four children to graduate from college. I was able to preserve the vicissitudes of life and acquire my doctorate in business administration. Education has also allowed me to establish a legacy for my children. My daughters are both pursuing doctorates. One is pursuing her Ph.D. and the other a law degree.
Dr. Mike Robinson: What educational advice would you offer to young people leaving high school on their way to college?
Dr. Henry M. Carter: I have provided post-secondary preparation for thousands of your people. I share with them " To Thy Own Self be True" Choose a major compatible with who you are at your core. If you choose a degree based on money, you will soon find yourself a victim of dreams deferred and arrested development.
Dr. Henry M. Carter has his B.S Degree in Psychology and Criminal Justice, Masters of Business Administration (MBA), and his Doctorate of Business Administration. Dr.Carter is an author, life coach, and national trainer. He has 28 yrs. of community and leadership development experience. Dr. Carter served as an Executive Director and Operation Manager for the YMCA and as the Director of Atlanta Technical College Institute for Males. Dr. Carter is the Founder and CEO of Manly Deeds Inc., an organization that provides post-secondary preparation, personal and professional development skills for boys and men of color. Dr. Carter is also the President of H.M. Carter and Associates, a company that offers consulting, workshops, seminars, and public speaking. The company services provide their clients with the knowledge and skills necessary to improve their work performance and communication abilities .2740 Dean Court. Conyer, GA 30094|