Dr. Michael Robinson: How can IHEs ensure equity when going to an online learning model when there are students who may not have access to the Internet or the equipment.
Dr. Michelle Davis: These days everyone has access even if they do not realize it: Public Libraries all over the United States from open to close and it's free.
Dr. Michael Robinson: What are some of the pieces of training faculty would need to effectively move to an online structure in the middle of the semester?
Dr. Michelle Davis: The training that I see in my line of work is what I call a crash course in the following fields of study (Adult Education and Distance Education/LMS use) usually at least 2 weeks and including quizzes and assignments to demonstrate proficiency.
Dr. Michael Robinson: Dr. Davis, can you outline challenges facing faculty who have avoided using online learning ?
Dr. Michelle Davis: Challenges include: Slow turn around time for grading, Poor response time to emails, ignoring or not liking phone calls and text messages coming in at any time of day or night, getting stuck when it comes to knowing how to make what I call an easy fix in their virtual classroom.
Dr. Michelle Davis is a Distance Learning Coordinator. She is responsible for the supervision of the distance learning instructors and student learning within the online programs. Dr. Davis develops and conducts professional development initiatives, faculty orientation, faculty meetings, leads the online student orientation each quarter, and supports strategic business goals. This position will provide direction and support to train staff, instructors, and students on the use of online resources, LMS, course development, course requirements, delivery methods for engagement/activity, virtually and face to face. Dr. Davis also built and developed a virtual career center.
Dr. Michelle Davis: These days everyone has access even if they do not realize it: Public Libraries all over the United States from open to close and it's free.
Dr. Michael Robinson: What are some of the pieces of training faculty would need to effectively move to an online structure in the middle of the semester?
Dr. Michelle Davis: The training that I see in my line of work is what I call a crash course in the following fields of study (Adult Education and Distance Education/LMS use) usually at least 2 weeks and including quizzes and assignments to demonstrate proficiency.
Dr. Michael Robinson: Dr. Davis, can you outline challenges facing faculty who have avoided using online learning ?
Dr. Michelle Davis: Challenges include: Slow turn around time for grading, Poor response time to emails, ignoring or not liking phone calls and text messages coming in at any time of day or night, getting stuck when it comes to knowing how to make what I call an easy fix in their virtual classroom.
Dr. Michelle Davis is a Distance Learning Coordinator. She is responsible for the supervision of the distance learning instructors and student learning within the online programs. Dr. Davis develops and conducts professional development initiatives, faculty orientation, faculty meetings, leads the online student orientation each quarter, and supports strategic business goals. This position will provide direction and support to train staff, instructors, and students on the use of online resources, LMS, course development, course requirements, delivery methods for engagement/activity, virtually and face to face. Dr. Davis also built and developed a virtual career center.