Term life insurance is perhaps the easiest to understand because it’s straightforward without a savings or investing component. You buy a term policy because of the promise of a death benefit for your beneficiary should you pass away while it’s in force. For many people, it’s a way to make sure that their minor children are provided for, and their mortgage is paid after they die.
As the name suggests, this basic form of insurance is only suitable for a certain period, whether five, 20, or 30 years. After that, the policy expires.
Dan Williams is an Insurance Consultant who helps individuals use life insurance to lower debt and build wealth. Dan is a top-notch, hands-on professional in the Financial Services Industry committed to serving people with good character and excellence. He crossed over from the Credit Repair industry to Life Insurance when his mother passed away without any insurance to help put her to rest. Since that moment, he has made it his mission to educate as many people as possible about the importance of protecting yourself, building wealth, and leaving a legacy. Dan believes that everyone deserves first-class service and a second chance. With a focus on consumer education and providing a unique and personalized experience, he is committed to working to eliminate the burden of financial uncertainty. At the same time, over 100,000 individuals have aplan of action and peace of mind for the future. Dan’s clients include everyday people, major financial banking institutions, real estate brokerages, and mortgage lenders all over the United States.
As the name suggests, this basic form of insurance is only suitable for a certain period, whether five, 20, or 30 years. After that, the policy expires.
- Costs are much lower than for many other types of life insurance.
- Term insurance is easier to understand than permanent policies.
- Protection is only available for the term of the policy.
- It cannot be used as a wealth-building or tax-planning strategy.
Dan Williams is an Insurance Consultant who helps individuals use life insurance to lower debt and build wealth. Dan is a top-notch, hands-on professional in the Financial Services Industry committed to serving people with good character and excellence. He crossed over from the Credit Repair industry to Life Insurance when his mother passed away without any insurance to help put her to rest. Since that moment, he has made it his mission to educate as many people as possible about the importance of protecting yourself, building wealth, and leaving a legacy. Dan believes that everyone deserves first-class service and a second chance. With a focus on consumer education and providing a unique and personalized experience, he is committed to working to eliminate the burden of financial uncertainty. At the same time, over 100,000 individuals have aplan of action and peace of mind for the future. Dan’s clients include everyday people, major financial banking institutions, real estate brokerages, and mortgage lenders all over the United States.