Many of us have asked, to pile on: What gaff will T make in the next two weeks that will finally allow his voters to say: Enough. I’m done. He’s unfit to lead. Sadly, as a new article in The Atlantic by Tom Nichols points out with frightening clarity, T’s voters like his depravity; they like his irreverence; they like his disrespect; they want even more demeaning statements about immigrants of every color; they want more lies about dogs being stolen and eaten for dinner; they want fabrications about towns being overtaken by gangs; they want the very people that T’s sees as in power to be viewed as stupid and ret…ed and dangerous.
Folks, awaiting a pivotal moment when voters will abandon T because he crossed some imaginary line will NOT be happening. He’s crossed that line a 1,000 times and will keep crossing other lines. And his increasing crossing will be cheered not jeered. We are politically wrong to think that folks will actually push back. Instead, they will push in.
The more T acts unhinged, the more his voters adore him. He speaks for the white disempowered workers and unemployed and angry Americans (together and separately) ….He speaks to all those who have felt unappreciated and unloved by their parents, our society, our workplaces, our families (our wives). For T, it started with his father.
Now, I’m not a political strategist by any measure. Do not listen to me as to what different type of strategy might derail T with 13 days to go. I’m not the one to ask.
But I can ask this: What if we didn’t give T air? What if we stopped talking about him, stopped listening to him, stopped covering him in the media, stopped railing at his railing?
What would happen if we thought about T as a fire that needs oxygen and we just focus on sucking the air out of rooms he goes in. Leave him alone. Let him burn himself out without our even paying attention. Don’t listen; don’t be attentive; don’t see him.
This suggestion seems way off base for those of us who feel a desperate need to do something, to act ASAP to stop the T train. I’m suggesting the opposite of doing something, even as I look at what I can do.
My thought, and I can’t seem to do it myself, is this: Ignore T. Pretend he isn’t there. Don’t comment on him. Don’t even mention him. Don’t give him air. It’s air he craves. Get rid of his access to air.